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KopiCloud App AWS Inventory

Export the inventory of your AWS resources to Excel files or send by Email with ONE click. Our best selling tool!

Export your AWS resources in multiple AWS Regions and AWS Accounts to Excel or CSV files.

Download the newest version now!

You need to Login or Quick Sign Up to download this file

Explore the capabilities of AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS EC2 Instances to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory EC2 Instances

List AWS Resources in multiple AWS accounts and AWS regions.

AWS Inventory EC2 Instances

Show Linux OS version information of EC2 Instances, for example: RedHat, CentOS, SuSE, etc.).

AWS Inventory EC2 Instances

List and Export all your AWS EBS Volumes to Excel or CSV files. 

AWS Inventory EBS Volumes

List and Export all your AWS RDS Instances to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory RDS Instances

List and Export all your AWS Load Balancers to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS S3 Buckets to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS VPCs to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS Subnets to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS VPNs to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

List and Export all your AWS MQ Brokers to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory

New features introduced in AWS Inventory v2:

List and Export all your AWS IAM Users to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory IAM Users

List and Export all your AWS IAM Groups to Excel or CSV files.

Export AWS IAM Groups

List and Export all your AWS IAM Policies to Excel or CSV files.

Export AWS IAM Policies

List and Export all your AWS IAM Roles to Excel or CSV files.

Export AWS IAM Roles

List and Export all your AWS Lambda Functions to Excel or CSV files.

Export AWS Lambda

Using AWS Session Token for authentication.
Now we can use AWS temporary credentials to authenticate to AWS Inventory

Using AWS Session Token

New features introduced in AWS Inventory v2.5:

List and Export all your Amazon WorkSpaces to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory Amazon WorkSpaces

List and Export all your AWS Security Groups to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory Network ACL

List and Export all your AWS ElastiCache Clusters to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory ElastiCache Clusters

List and Export all your AWS Elastic IP Addresses to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory Elastic IP Addresses

List and Export all your AWS Network ACLs to Excel or CSV files.

AWS Inventory Network ACL

New features introduced in AWS Inventory v2.7:

List and Export all your AWS Directory Service to Excel or CSV files.  

AWS Inventory AWS Directory Service

List and Export all your Amazon DynamoDB Tables to Excel or CSV files.  

AWS Inventory Amazon DynamoDB

New features introduced in AWS Inventory v2.8:

List and Export all your Amazon Redshift Clusters to Excel or CSV files.  

Get the updated AWS Region List from the KopiCloud Region API.  

Discover the AWS Automation Pack for EC2 Instances and save up to 35%. The Pack includes:

 AWS Inventory: Export the inventory of your AWS resources to Excel files or send by Email with ONE click.

 AWS Inventory CMD for Windows, Linux & macOS: Export the inventory of your AWS resources to Excel files or send the inventory by Email. Automate the creation of inventories or send inventories by email using the Task Scheduler on Windows or Cron on Linux or macOS..

 AWS Snapshot Manager: Manage EBS snapshots, and export a list of EBS & RDS snapshots and AMI Images to Excel.

 Move EC2: Move EC2 instances to another Subnet, AZ, VPC, AWS Region or AWS Account with ONE Click.

Purchase an AWS Inventory License if you need:

 Export AWS Inventories to Excel files.

 Send AWS Inventories by Email to one or more email addresses.

 Automate the delivery of AWS Inventories using AWS Inventory CMD for Windows, Linux & macOS (FREE License Included).

 Use more than 3 AWS Credentials.

 Use more than 2 AWS Tags.


[Release Date: April 1, 2019 - Version 1.00]

  The first release of AWS Inventory

[Release Date: November 1, 2020 - Version 2.00]

 List and Export AWS IAM Users, Groups, Policies, and Roles
 List and Export AWS Lambda Functions
 Authentication using AWS Session Tokens
 New Redesigned User Interface
 Bug Fixes and Performance Optimization.

[Update Date: May 9, 2021 - Version 2.01]

 Added support for New AWS Regions: the Asia Pacific (Osaka), AWS GovCloud (US-East), and AWS GovCloud (US-West) regions.
 Bug Fixes and Performance Optimization.

[Update Date: August 25, 2021 - Version 2.50]

 List and Export AWS Workspaces
 List and Export Network ACLs
 List and Export ElastiCache Nodes
 List and Export ElasticIPs (EIPs)
 List and Export Security Groups
 Updated the EBS Volumes report to include the EC2 ID
 New button to Switch between Day Mode and Night Mode
 Bug Fixes and Performance Optimization.

[Last Update Date: June 30, 2021 - Version 2.70]

 List and Export DynamoDB Tables
 List and Export Directory Service
 Notifications of New Versions of AWS Inventory
 Increased support to 1000 AWS Accounts
 Added support for New AWS Region: Jakarta
 Bug Fixes and Performance Optimization.

[Last Update Date: November 25, 2022 - Version 2.75]

 Added support for New AWS Region: Zurich
 Added support for New AWS Regions: Spain
 Added support for New AWS Regions: Hyderabad
 Update AWS Libraries
 Update AWS Validation Account
 Fixes and Performance Improvements

[Last Update Date: January 29, 2023 - Version 2.80]

 List and Export Amazon Redshift Clusters
 Added support for KopiCloud Region API
 Added support for AWS Region List Update from KopiCloud API
 Update .NET Framework 4.8
 Update AWS Libraries
 Update AWS Validation Account
 Fixes and Performance Improvements

Upgrade your product in less than 5 minutes. Unlock all product deatures and receive preferred support

Single User
One single user license (one user, multiple devices)


Unlimited users in a single location/building license


Unlimited users in a single company license


Cloud & Managed Service Providers license


Click here to learn more about licensing. Non Profit Organizations (NGOs) and Academic licenses are also available.