Product: AWS Inventory CMD for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Configure AWS Credentials from GUI
We can configure the AWS Credentials using the GUI of
AWS Inventory for Windows, following the instructions on
How To Configure KopiCloud Tools Authentication for AWS and
How To Configure KopiCloud Tools Authentication for AWS with Session Token.
Then, we can copy the Credentials file (
Kopi.AWS.Credentials) to the folder of
AWS Inventory CMD.
Add AWS Credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal
To add
AWS Inventory CMD credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal, we type the following command:
D:\KopiCloud-Tools> AWSInventoryCMD --credentials
AWS Inventory CMD v2.00 Build 2021.02.28
Would you like to add an AWS Session Token Profile (Y, N)? Or (Q) to Quit: N
Enter Credential Profile Name or Q to Quit: KopiCloud
Enter Access Key or Q to Quit: AKIAKXJTH6LNMORLCTP3
Enter Secret Key or Q to Quit: 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
Select one AWS region:
[1] US East (Northern Virginia)
[2] US East (Ohio)
[3] US West (Northern California)
[4] US West (Oregon)
[5] EU (Frankfurt)
[6] EU (Ireland)
[7] EU (London)
[8] EU (Paris)
[9] Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
[10] Asia Pacific (Seoul)
[11] Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local)
[12] Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
[13] Asia Pacific (Singapore)
[14] Asia Pacific (Sydney)
[15] South America (Sao Paulo)
[16] China (Beijing)
[17] China (Ningxia)
[18] AWS GovCloud (US)
[19] Canada (Central)
[20] EU (Stockholm)
[21] Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
[22] Middle East (Bahrain)
[23] Africa (Cape Town)
[24] EU (Milan)
Enter option number (1 to 24) or (Q) to Quit: 6
AWS-Credentials | AWS Credentials File Found
AWS-Credentials | Loading AWS Credentials Completed - 1 Credential(s) Loaded
List AWS Credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal
To list
AWS Inventory CMD credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal, we type the following command:
D:\KopiCloud-Tools> AWSInventoryCMD --listprofiles
AWS Inventory CMD v2.00 Build 2021.02.28
App-Settings | AWS Multi-Region = NO
App-Settings | Load AWS Tags = YES
AWS-Tags | 2 of 2 Tags Loaded from File [KopiCloud.Tags]
AWS-Regions | 24 AWS Regions Found
AWS-Credentials | AWS Credentials File Found
AWS-Credentials | Loading AWS Credentials Completed - 3 Credential(s) Loaded
Credentials Name: KopiCloud | Credential Type: Basic | AWS Region Name: EU (Ireland)
Credentials Name: KopiTravel | Credential Type: Basic | AWS Region Name: EU (Ireland)
Credentials Name: KopiStocks | Credential Type: Basic | AWS Region Name: EU (Ireland)
Delete AWS Credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal
To delete an
AWS Inventory CMD credentials from the Command Prompt or Terminal, we type the following command:
D:\KopiCloud-Tools> AWSInventoryCMD --deleteprofile
AWS Inventory CMD v2.00 Build 2021.02.28
AWS-Credentials | AWS Credentials File Found
AWS-Credentials | Loading AWS Credentials Completed - 2 Credential(s) Loaded
Select one profile:
[1] KopiCloud
[2] KopiTravel
[3] KopiStocks
Enter option number (1 to 3) or (Q) to Quit: 2
AWS-Credentials | AWS Credentials File Found
AWS-Credentials | Loading AWS Credentials Completed - 2 Credential(s) Loaded
Configure Settings from GUI
We can configure the Settings and Tags using the GUI of
AWS Inventory for Windows, following
these instructions.
Then, we can copy the Configuration file (
KopiCloud.Config) and the Tags file (
KopiCloud.Tags) to the folder of
AWS Inventory CMD.
Configure Settings from the Command Prompt or Terminal
To configure
AWS Inventory CMD from the Command Prompt or Terminal, we type the following command:
D:\KopiCloud-Tools> AWSInventoryCMD --settings
AWS Inventory CMD v2.00 Build 2021.02.28
Configure AWS Inventory CMD settings:
AWS Multi-Region? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: N
Load AWS Tags? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: Y
Enter Date Format or Q to Quit: yyyy-MMM-dd
Skip Private AWS Regions Scanning? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: Y
Settings | General Settings saved to config file
Enter an AWS Tag or Multiple AWS Tags separated by comma or Q to Quit: Environment,Support
AWS-Tags | List of Tags Saved to File [KopiCloud.Tags]
AWS-Tags | 2 of 2 Tags Loaded from File [KopiCloud.Tags]
Settings | Tag Settings saved to Tag File
Multi-Region Settings:
AWS Multi-Region? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: N
Multi-Region setting allows the application to scan all AWS Regions for AWS Services.
Enable this setting only if you have services in multiple regions because it increases scanning time.
Load AWS Tags:
Load AWS Tags? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: Y
Enable this setting if you are using Tags and you want to export in the inventory.
Configure the Date Format:
Enter Date Format or Q to Quit: yyyy-MMM-dd
Type one of the following date formats: yyyy-MMM-dd, dd-MMM-yyyy or MMM-dd-yyyy.
yyyy-MMM-dd --> 2021-Feb-28
dd-MMM-yyyy --> 28-Feb-2021
MMM-dd-yyyy --> Feb-28-2021
Skip Private AWS Regions Scanning:
Skip Private AWS Regions Scanning? (Y) Yes, (N) No, (Q) Quit: Y
Enable this setting only you are using AWS Services hosted on one of the following regions:
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local), China (Beijing), China (Ningxia) or AWS GovCloud (US).
Configure AWS Tags:
Enter an AWS Tag or Multiple AWS Tags separated by comma or Q to Quit: Environment,Support
We need to enter an AWS Tag or Multiple AWS Tags separated by a comma and the Load AWS Tags setting must be Yes.
Configure Email Settings from GUI
To configure email settings for AWS Inventory CMD, we can use the Email Settings and Email Recipients tabs in the
AWS Inventory for Windows.
Then, we can copy the Email Settings file (
Kopi.Settings.Email) and the Email Addresses file (
Kopi.Unattended.Email) to the folder of
AWS Inventory CMD.
Configure Email Settings from Command Prompt or Terminal
We are currently unable to set up email settings from
AWS Inventory CMD, but we can use the GUI (previous step) or create a text file called
Kopi.Settings.Email with the following information:
Email Address
STMP Server
STMP Username
STMP Password
STMP Enabled SSL (Yes/No)
For example: